Zumba Fitness


Ok, I would like to shift gears here for a second; as summer approaches, I’m sure many of you start paying extra attention on diet and exercise to keep fit in order to wear beautiful cocktail dresses, that bikini on the beach, or shorts or whatever to show off your figure. Because I DO!! Ha ha!

Halloween Party, 2012

Halloween Party, 2012

I would like to talk about and introduce my favorite fitness class: ZUMBA. I always DISLIKED (the word not strong enough to describe me) exercise and exposure to the sun since forever. And now I’m huge fan of Zumba, especially crazy for this one particularly fascinating lady’s Zumba class: Oola Zumba Fitness.

It wasn’t until 6 years ago that I decided to do something with my health after two complicated pregnancies. I discovered this new thing called “Zumba”, it was the MUSIC that drew my attention, not so much the choreography because I’m too shy to do the salsa, belly dance etc in front of a group of people. I stood outside the classroom and watched for weeks and finally decided to give it a try. Oh believe me, I looked like an idiot, body so stiff, moved the same leg and the same hand, and the rhythm was off. I looked awful through the mirror. THEN, I meet this wonderful lady Oola who always brought a smile to the class and said HI to everyone to ease their nerves. Her smiles make me continue to stay in the class until she get certified as a Zumba instructor and then I started follow her to where ever she offered her Zumba fitness class.

Halloween Party, 2012

Halloween Party, 2012

Oola style of Zumba is so much fun, energetic, and knows what woman want – great shape of abs and a flat tummy. Her choice of music ranges from Pitbull, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Shakira to Marc Anthony.  Her choreography incorporates fast body movement, complex legwork, Salsa, Hip Hop, Belly Dance, and some Cardio Kickboxing with lots of smiles. The most of amazing part is she greets everyone at the end of class with her lovely smile and wet curly hair. ☺

There are many different styles of Zumba, and it all depends on the instructor, music and the choreography. The music and the instructor are the major key factors when it comes to exercise in my case. And Zumba fitness can easily burn 700 to 1000 calories within one hour depending on the movement, how high you jump, and how much you move your body. AND it’s a great way to enjoy the music and meet friends. A great fitness workout can change your mood, your day, and it will reflect in your inner beauty and outer beauty. So as we are taking extra care of our precious skin, don’t forget to find a great workout class to fit your personality and bring out your smile and your inner beauty. Enjoy the beautiful summer.

Halloween Party, 2012

Halloween Party, 2012

Oh, if you are happen to live near downtown Los Altos, CA or vacation in the bay area, or have a  business trip here, come and try out Oola Zumba fitness class, you won’t be disappointed. Men are welcome, too. 😉

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